Package com.thepluginpeople.jemhod.api

package com.thepluginpeople.jemhod.api
  • Class
    Velocity template utility bean used to render approval buttons.
    This manager is used by the JSD Version 2 template to create the customer satisfaction form (the five stars section) at the bottom of a notification.
    Utility methods so you can perform some time based operation in velocity scripts.
    This bean can be used to create Directive Set Link in templates.
    This object represents an email and personal value IMessage returns from headers like To: Cc: Bcc: From: etc.
    A mime header wrapper that allows values to be set, added and removed
    Utility bean used to change Mattermost notification mapping and post function options at notification time.
    This bean represents the message in velocity.
    Utility object used to get i18n messages and strings.
    This bean represents the profile configuration that it's processing a message.
    Represents the project mapping configuration used in velocity templates.
    Represents the project mapping configuration used in velocity templates.
    Utility object used to add recipients dynamically when processing events, post functions and ad-hoc notifications.
    Utility bean used to run regular expression in velocity.
    Utility class used while executing velocity based pre-processing task.
    Utility bean used to change Slack notification mapping and post function options at notification time.
    Utility class to modify sms notification behaviour thorough a velocity script at event processing time.
    Utility bean used to change Telegram notification mapping and post function options at notification time.
    Bean that allows user to render dates in templates.
    A suite of utilities surrounding the use of the Calendar and Date object.
    Utility class used while rendering velocity email templates.
    The type of recipient a given rendered template will be target to.